The App Store is in hot water again after European regulators ordered Apple to pay a 2 billion euro fine.
👉 Background: Apple is the leader of all things iPhone, iPad, iMac, Apple Watch and the App Store. And the App Store has faced a lot of controversy lately, particularly with Epic Games.
👉 What happened: Now, the App Store is in hot water again after European regulators ordered Apple to pay a 2 billion euro fine. Apple was found to block developers, like Spotify, from offering subscriptions outside the App Store, which "muzzled" it from offering discounts to its customers outside of the App Store environment.
👉 What else: From now on, Apple will have to allow all music-streaming services to communicate freely with their users or risk a fine worth as much as 10% of its turnover.
💡When the cracks start to form, the floodgates start to open.
💡Apple's software allows it to create a walled garden around its products. For example, it takes a 30% fee on any in-app purchases (and didn't allow out-of-app purchases).
💡But now, there are cracks forming in Apple's beautifully luscious garden because the regulators have entered. And Apple has faced the wrath of the third largest fine given to a tech company by European regulators.
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